Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (2024)

By skylight, Eevee General, RODAN, brightobject, Codraroll, DHR-107, GatoDelFuego, heritage and Guest Facebook Reviewer, Victor. Art by Bummer, brightobject and Cretacerus. Official artwork by Ken Sugimori.

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Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (1) Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (2)


Welcome to Judge-a-Pokémon Express! This issue we're analyzing the Sun and Moon cover legendaries, Solgaleo and Lunala! We're also introducing guest Facebook reviewers. If you're interested in writing for an issue of JAPE, all you'll need to do is do your own mini analysis on the JAPE Facebook post. I'll send you a Private Message on Facebook (check your "Others" folder!) and ask if you're interested. You'll generally have a two-week deadline to write the content from after a new Pokémon has been announced. We are not guaranteeing that there will be a guest Facebook reviewer every issue, nor are we suggesting that you're guaranteed to be picked. But the possibility is now certainly there! Let's welcome our regular panelists and our guest Facebook reviewer for this issue, Victor!

RODAN Eevee General brightobject DHR-107
Codraroll heritage GatoDelFuego Victor
Click on the images to read their thoughts!


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (3)


One thing that I've never made secret is that I'm an insanely big Digimon fan. So when I saw this new Leomon form, I was naturally extremely excited. I mean he appears (and dies) in every good season of Digimon! A few days later I was informed it was a Pokémon, and not a Digimon. This got me thinking "you know what, this design is still insanely cool" and lo, it was cool. It is really weird that it is a Steel / Psychic type though; we had a real opportunity for an even more ridiculous version of Heatran. How is it even supposed to use Fist of the Beast King if it isn't Fire-type. Pokémon types should show through the aesthetics, and this is a case of not conveying itself in any real way. Maybe when it revives in Pokémon Dog / Cat edition, we will have a much improved Pokémon.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (4)


If Solgaleo is misplaced from a Digimon game, then Lunala is an incestuous baby of multiple Kirby villains. I don't have much to say about this Pokémon other than that I hate it a lot. It's not interesting, it's not cool, it's nothing. It's the legendary Pokémon equivalent to White Bread. It has no standout features at all; in fact, if you asked me what Lunala looked like I'd probably just end up describing Yveltal. They are both lame generic bird-esque Pokémon.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (5)

Eevee General

It took us six Generations to get a proper lion, but when Pyroar's typing, stats, and abilities were revealed, it left some fans feeling cheated. A Fire / Normal lion? Unnerve? So when the design for Solgaleo came out, we leaned forward in our seats. Just look at it in all its glory: that mane, those muscles, the starburst face. Solgaleo exudes power, which is to be expected, as it's emblematic of the sun. It also looks a little like a meteor screaming across the sky, what with those flecks of orange / red (help me out here guys I'm colorblind) caught in its mane. But then we heard of its typing, and it lands with a thud. Psychic / Steel? I can forgive the Psychic part—Game Freak has often used Psychic as a stand-in for the cosmos with Pokémon such as Cresselia and Jirachi—but Steel and not Fire? And now there's rumors that its ability is just another clone of Clear Body called Full Metal Body. Odd, considering nothing about the design suggests its body is fully encased in metal. Solgaleo has white hot art, so it's a shame Game Freak doused our hopes with such a subpar typing and ability. But there's still hope! Its custom move and stats may save us yet from another disaster like Pyroar.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (6)

Eevee General

It's a bat! It's a moon! It's a boomerang? It's actually quite hard for me to choose my favorite between the two legendary designs because they both look so cool. Where Solgaleo commands power in its design, Lunala is all grace and regalia. The crescent headdress is delightfully majestic and befit for a queen. The wings are broad and magnificent, graceful and yet deadly, like they could serve as battle axes in a pinch. And let's not forget the tail that doubles as a guillotine! The torso and wings are shrouded in an eerie midnight blue and the fringes are gilded in stunning gold. When they typed Lunala, Game Freak chose Psychic / Ghost, something I can live with even if it's trash competitively. Psychic is often associated with space and Lunala does come across as a little spooky. Fairy, Dark, and Flying also would have been appropriate choices. Considering Shadow Shield sounds like a Multiscale clone, it's probably best that they didn't go with Flying. Heaven forbid we get two legendary copycats this generation.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (7)


Overall, I'm digging this legendary, even if it is a blatant ripoff of a ZOID (it even has little exhaust ports on the legs—who do you think you're kidding, Game Freak?). It has nice shiny colors, a powerful physique that befits its noble nature, and a really awesome effect going on with its glowing hide and sparkling headpiece. I do think its entire mouth brace accessory looks really stiff and strange in the official art, but it looks like they made it flexible for the in-game model, so it's not really an issue. I couldn't care less about the reasoning behind Solgaleo's typing—I'm more peeved that said typing doesn't jive with the design at all. The yellow, red, and white highlights all over the thing's body are basically more indicative of a Fire-type than anything of any other legendary I've ever seen (except maybe Moltres)... so it feels like a bit of a bait-and-switch in my humble opinion. Still, I think the "beast devouring the sun" background it has is very unique and interesting, and its flavor is wonderful—just look at its signature move, Sunsteel Strike. Not only does it have a badass name (like Solgaleo itself), but the powerful physical impact of a meteorite meshes well with Solgaleo's Steel typing and space theme.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (8)


My biggest issue with Lunala is its obvious similarities to Yveltal—both are veiny, winged, darkness-themed legendary mascots. I seriously hope Game Freak isn't in a design rut over these things. Regardless, if one forgets about Yveltal and all, Lunala is definitely a standout mon. Its shimmering, ethereal skin, glowing with all the spectacle of the moonlit night sky, is complemented perfectly by its wispy, skeletal frame. Admittedly, the golden ornaments that make up its tail and wings are a bit cluttery and Lunala could have done without them, and its official art also does not do the subtle contours of its headdress justice at all :( but overall, I'm happy.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (9)


When we first saw Pyroar, people were excited for a lion. When we discovered its stats and typing, people were not so happy... Now we have a new legendary lion on the case, and it one-ups Pyroar in almost every aspect. The bright white mane and the star-like crown on its face show how regal this Pokémon is going to be. I am intrigued in the parallel "starry forehead" it shares with Lunala; may there be a deeper link between the legends? It has a very powerful stance and looks fairly menacing. However, its simple design keeps it from being overwhelming compared to some of the other newer designs we have seen. It's certainly a Pokémon I would want on my side in a conflict!

The name alludes to metalwork and the solar power of the sun. But Solgaleo is not Fire typed. It instead becomes Steel / Psychic, which I presume is a reference to the alchemists of old. Being both a sun deity and weak to Fire is certainly an interesting take. There a few oblique references you could make from that...

Its new move, Sunsteel Strike, and ability, Full Metal Body, again both make references to metalwork. The ability appears to be a Clear Body / White Smoke clone, which matches with the pureness of sunlight unable to be tainted and its white body. Sunsteel Strike "hits with the force of a meteor" in a dazzling show of power that disregards the target's ability. Mold Breaker in a move is certainly something new. I wonder if this will be along the lines of the few-and-far-between "dual-typed" moves we saw in Gen 6?


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (10)


The Moone Pokémon. This design is awesome. The giant moon bat with its beautiful starlight flecked wings is like looking into a clear night sky. It gives off a huge aura of mysticism and darkness that I am not sure any other design has managed to pull off. It also has a very ethereal prominence to its design. I really like the edges of the wings being almost scythe-like, and the white "skeletal" colors give it just enough creepiness to get the point across. It shares the same planetarium style forehead that Solgaleo has, which works a lot better on this design than on Solgaleo's. Its head crest gives echoes of the crescent moon and does slightly echo the other Moon Pokémon, Cresselia.

Lunala's name directly references the Moon and has a Latin reference to wings. This makes sense, as Lunala's entire body is composed of what seems like one giant wing shape. It doesn't even appear to be able to land, having no legs and seemingly an anchor-shaped "foot" at the bottom of its body. Its move and ability are also interesting. In a mirror match of Solgaleo's, the move will ignore abilities, and it seems from the description like its ability, Shadow Shield, is similar to Multiscale. Let's hope it is; otherwise, that rather terrible typing is going to really hurt it in battle.

It does seem odd that both of them are Psychic-type and do not carry their presumed typings of Fire and Dark, respectively. I have a feeling this may be matched with the third of the trio, to make it a true relationship.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (11)


My first reaction to seeing Solgaleo was "this looks familiar..." Because Solgaleo is, at first glance, a paint-by-numbers anime lion. Quadruped, muscular, oversized mane, always portrayed in the stock pose from the stock camera angle. Conceptually, there's little unique about Solgaleo. Luckily, though, the designers got the execution of the old cliché right. There's a reason why the Generic Anime Lion has become a cliché, and that's because it works. It's a powerful and imposing design, and the designers managed to be creative enough with the details for Solgaleo to stand out. Right off the bat, Solgaleo subverts our expectations by not being a Fire-type. Of all the possible typings Solgaleo could have had, I think almost nobody expected Steel / Psychic. The designers haven't focused too much on tying its design to the typing, though. Solgaleo features a bright white color scheme with spots of black, gold, and red. It evokes images of intense sunlight, with flecks of color here and there between the bright rays. Its face is also interesting, with the midnight sky pattern on its forehead, in sharp contrast to its general sunny theme. You wouldn't expect a starry night sky to feature in the center of a design based on the sun. I guess this is where the "beast devouring the Sun" bit enters the picture? It eats the sunlight so that stars are visible...? Or is it just a gimmick, a common design element for Solgaleo and Lunala to share, potentially also with a third trio member? Yes, I think it's that.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (12)


On the whole, I really like Lunala's design. It's animal based, yet ethereal. It's a bit of a complex design, but with an instantly recognizable silhouette. It manages to appear both frail yet majestic and powerful at the same time. Lunala follows a really nice color scheme, mainly cream and dark purple, like a moon sickle in a night sky flecked with stars. Lunala seems to prefer an upright pose, in defiance of aerodynamics and gravity alike, adding to its otherworldly appearance. Overall, Lunala has a quite good design to represent the moon.

Not that there aren't downsides to its design, though. Lunala is a very flat Pokémon. Its whole body is like a bat wing or a half-erected tent, sheets spanned out between thin rods. In the artwork, it's hard to see that it even has a torso at all, as it blends into the wings so seamlessly it's difficult to tell whether the body is connected to the rib cage at all. I'm not a fan of its "foot" either; it looks like the anchor-like shape was just added to provide some balance against its equally ridiculous head crest. Yes, I get that it is trying to have this moon theme going on, but the wings would have been enough. No need to spam crescents all over the place.

I do like the incorporation of the night sky in its forehead, though. Both thematically and design-wise it works a lot better than for Solgaleo. Overall, Lunala has its flaws, but it's a pretty decent-looking Pokémoon.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (13)


As soon as I saw Solgaleo, I pretty much squealed in excitement. Ignoring the fact that it undeniably looks like Tigrerra from Bakugan, which was my favorite childhood show, the design is everything I wanted for a sun legend, and just a legendary Pokémon in general. Its graceful mane, its awesome facial features with glowing eyes, its roar, everything just screams "perfect." The color of its body and mane fantastically complement the "sun" logo, and they all match up great. I'm going against the majority on its facial features, I actually really like the way its mouth looks when it's closed. Its signature move also looks amazing, I can't stress enough how gorgeous that animation is.

And then... its typing was revealed. Psychic / Steel? What on Earth does that have to do with anything at all? Why would Game Freak make the sun legendary a Metagross clone of all things, right down to the ability? I can totally see Fire / Steel typing, and that's more or less what I was expecting, as the sun has elements of metal inside it, but Psychic typing makes absolutely no sense. Game Freak has a tendency to stick Psychic typing on a lot of legendaries for no reason, and now we're just stacking two more onto that list. Just this typing alone is really making me sway between the two legendaries.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (14)


I was pretty skeptical of Lunala at first. I really like the Ken Sugimori art and thought it really did a good job of portraying the moon. Honestly, I thought the in-game model was pretty... empty? There's no doubt that overall Lunaala is a gorgeous Pokémon, but there's something off-putting about that bare, purple space on its chest below its skeleton, especially when it moves. Eventually though, Lunaala grew on me a lot, and other than that one issue, Lunaala is nearly perfect to me now. I adore the wing style, and the blades on the end strangely remind me of hanging chandeliers. Its head admittedly looks a bit awkward at first glance, mainly due to how long its neck is, but when you see its in-game animations, all of those issues go away. The third eye that appears in the center of its head during its all-so-glorious signature move is kick-ass. While idling, it does suffer from the "Flying-type Pokémon hovering awkwardly" issue, but it's nice to see its wings take shape when attacking.

Its typing... is fine, I suppose. It makes sense with the "moon" feeling (although I still feel Dark / Fairy would have fit that a bit more), but it's probably one of the worst defensive typings in the whole game. Disappointing for sure in that aspect, but at least it makes more sense than Solgaleo. And yes, I realize the official name is Lunala, but I think the extra "A" makes even the name itself more graceful, and I wish they would have kept that name.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (15)


I'll probably be the fifth or sixth person you've heard it from, but Solgaleo is "the beast that devours the sun," not a symbol of the sun itself. In ancient alchemy, the idea of a lion devouring the sun refers to a metal absorbing gold in order to purify it. So that's why it's a Steel-type. Got that out of the way? Great! Because as far as I'm concerned, we don't need another fire lion after Pyroar.

Solgaleo is an absolutely gorgeous Pokémon. To start things off, white, red, and gold is an incredible color combination. White is a fairly uncommon base color for most Pokémon, especially outside of Normal-types, so it's great to see some creativity in the color palette. When I see it, I think of hope, light, purity, and royalty—all great aspects of a legendary Pokémon. The proportions of its legs make sense anatomically, and the big meaty paws look like they could do some serious damage. Tying it all together is the space-like crest on Solgaleo's forehead, including an interesting symbol that lights up when Solgaleo attacks. More alchemy concepts, it seems? I'm game. Alchemy is a fairly unknown topic with some amazing history behind it, so it looks like Sun and Moon have found a great mythology to explore. Also interesting is the way Solgaleo turns gold when it uses Sunsteel Strike, looking like something out of a comic book. Very cool, in my opinion. As for the Psychic typing? Eh... I'll take it or leave it. Psychic, Dark, and Dragon Pokémon are crowding up Ubers to no end, but it could open the door to some more mythological links. I'm certainly a fan of this Pokémon so far.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (16)


Ever since I was a kid, there have been surprisingly few cover legendaries that I thought looked cool. I've found some to be majestic, some to be striking, and some to be downright dopey. But Lunala is the first time I've looked at a legendary and thought "yeah, I WANT that." It exudes an evil aura; similar to Yveltal, but with a smug and sly look thanks to the slanted eyes rather than just a typical black and edgy Pokémon. Its tail looks like some double-edged scythe that should belong to the grim reaper, and its glowing red eyes give off a vampire vibe. I especially love the skeletal, white rib cage across its chest and the way Lunala's claws curl inwards like it beckons its enemies to approach.

Lunala's wings are adorned with cleaving axe blades and ninja stars, but they also provide a dual image of the crescent moon. Let's talk about the moon symbolism now, because I think Game Freak really hit the nail on the head. Crescent shapes are everywhere, from the head crest to the tail, and the glowing ball of light in Lunala's chest gives its wings an eerie shimmer when they flap. It looks as if the light is somewhere behind Lunala. Emissary of the moon? I'm convinced. To top it off, the animation for Moongeist Beam is incredible. All of Lunala fuses into one circular moon shape, a Psychic "third eye" appears on its forehead, and white beams shoot out from its wings into a superlaser that looks straight out of Star Wars. The in-game animations for Lunala really are superb. While Solgaleo is only about the size of Salamence, Lunala's model takes up almost its entire half of the screen, really giving it a sense of incredible scale. Lunala has definitely sold me on Pokémon Moon. I love its design, and it's definitely my favorite of the two legendaries we've seen.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (17)

Guest Facebook Reviewer: Victor

It feels hard to discuss Solgaleo's design, and I think that the reason for that might just be its lack of distinctiveness. It's a white lion. It has a couple of minor adornments here and there. That's pretty much it. I do love the starlight visor that forms the upper half of its face, because of how I feel like it evokes an astronaut's helmet, but the rest of the design just feels bland. We've even seen a similarly parted mane before on Pyroar. The design isn't bad. It's just not outstanding or remarkable in any way. Plus there's that whole thing where its mouth, when open, makes it look like it has no lower jaw, which is awkward. Things do change a bit, though, when we view the fully animated 3D model. Because it hasn't departed too much from the actual body shape of the animal that it's based on, its physiology is natural and its movements are convincing, which is more than I can say for its lunar counterpart. Plus, it does still successfully pull off the fierce, regal presence that a lion should. Beyond its visual design, however, probably the most interesting thing about Solgaleo is the fierce back-and-forth about its typing. The Pokémon fan community always seems to forget that we're TERRIBLE at guessing typings before they're revealed. Yes, Fire is an obvious typing for a Pokémon associated with the sun, but I also still remember when Zekrom was obviously going to be a Dark-type. Reasonable justifications for the sun lion's Psychic / Steel typing are already everywhere, and everybody has already read them, so I'll just say that I think the theory of alchemical symbolism actually makes Solgaleo's thematic design pretty clever. The one thing I will say I think folks are justified in not liking, though, is how blatantly similar this legendary ends up next to Metagross. They even look like they might have similarly physically oriented stat spreads. I think that if the developers had at least given Solgaleo a different ability, then folks wouldn't have had such a negative reaction. Heck, if they wanted to just copy an existing ability with a different name, I think Chlorophyll's effect would have been super interesting to see on a non-Grass-type. But Full Metal Body just feels disappointing, like a wasted opportunity for the Pokémon to actually stand out. Overall, between the two cover legendaries, I think that Solgaleo's design is superior, but only because it played it so safe, and that's nothing to brag or get too excited about. I'm definitely still excited for these games, but not because of the legendaries.


Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (18)

Guest Facebook Reviewer: Victor

I hate to say it, but I think that Lunala's design was poorly executed. Before I get into why Lunala doesn't work for me overall, though, I do have a lot of positive things to say about it. After all, the official Sugimori art is gorgeous. The indigo coloration of its wings blends seamlessly into the night sky. The ghostly glow from behind its skeletal breastplate subtly communicates that its heart is dedicated to the moon. The starlight "visor" that forms the upper half of its face brilliantly evokes an astronaut's helmet, and this feature was the perfect choice for it to share with its solar counterpart. The upturned palms are definitely not anatomically appropriate for a bat, but even that works, lending to its powerfully divine presence. Overall, Lunala's design seems to be filled with so much more nuance than Solgaleo's, and I definitely appreciate that. The biggest advantage that I think it has over its co-star, though, is how distinctive it is. Both are based on animals that Pokémon has tackled before, but it's far more difficult to compare Lunala's design to Golbat's or Swoobat's than it is to compare Solgaleo's to Pyroar's. Just comparing their silhouettes is enough to demonstrate which is more unique. If this were Gen IV, I'd certainly be praising Lunala's design. But this isn't Gen IV. We're not going to spend the game looking at still sprites. We're going to spend the game looking at fully animated 3D models. It used to be that a Pokémon could just be designed to look good standing still, and if it didn't look believably realistic moving, then the anime could just avoid doing very much with it and we'd never have to worry about it. But the ante has been upped since then, and motion must now be an integral consideration. Lunala simply does not look convincing in motion. I'd bet this is part of the reason they decided to make its idle animation almost motionless. When it does beat its paper-thin-looking wings, they move far too stiffly and even look like they might tear from the weight of the heavier-looking scythes and tassels attached. The real killer for me, though, comes when it uses its signature move, Moongeist Beam. Just pause its pose when it forms the beam, and take another look at it. What the heck happened to those scythes, those wing tassels, and that tail pendulum? They're all shaped and sized completely differently all of a sudden. Maybe I'm wrong and its other animations will also involve these features morphing and do so more visibly, but otherwise I can't approve of this unnecessarily inconsistent physicality.

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We have another JAPE in the works right now. If you're interested in having a chance at being a guest reviewer, remember to write a short but informed review of your own on the Facebook post linking to this article!

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Judge a Pokémon Express: Solgaleo and Lunala (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.