Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (2024)

Last updated on Dec 31, 2022 at 10:57by Zyrk5 comments

This page will outline Scholar-specific optimization for theSavage difficulty of Pandaemonium: Abyssos. It assumes, at minimum, abasic understanding of the job and how end game encounters work.


Scholar in Pandæmonium Savage: Abyssos

Abyssos is the second raid tier released in the expansionFFXIV: Endwalker and consists of four fights, with the fourth fighthaving two phases and being split with a checkpoint:

  1. Mythic Creation: Proto-Carbuncle (P5S)
  2. Hemitheos: Hegemone (P6S)
  3. Hemitheos: Agdistis (P7S)
  4. Perfect Imperfection: Hephaistos (P8S)

If you are looking for more generalized guides,you should take a look at our Savage guides written by Lyra Rose, linked below each section.

Disclaimer: This document contains suggestions. As with all fights, you should coordinate with your co-healerin order to come up with an organized healing plan that minimizes DPS lost to healing.


P5S: Proto-Carbuncle

This fight is quite a large step up in incoming damage compared to the firstfloor of Asphodelos. Tanks take fairly consistent damage throughout the fightbetween auto-attacks and the DoT busters, the latter of which will be a consistentfeature for most fights this tier. Raid-wides will often come in pairs, so it'simportant to make smart use of your mitigations to cover multiple damage instances.

Prepull: This fight starts with two back-to-back raid-wide damage, followed by a longperiod of no party damage, but there's long strings of autos and two sets ofdouble tank busters within the first two minutes of the fight. I recommend thatyou pre-shield with an Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (1) Adloquium into Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (2) Deployment Tactics,and put a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (3) Recitation plus an Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (4) Excogitation on the pulling tank.


Noteworthy Mechanics

  • Double Rush 1: A fairly hard hitting physical raid-wide,meaning it will deal additional damage to your casters and healers comparedto melee and physical ranged dps. The first Double Rush is also followed bya set of Sonic Howl/Ruby Glow double raid-wides making this the highest burstof party damage in the fight until the soft enrage. I recommend making useof both Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (5) Summon Seraph and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (6) Expedienthere to help with the incoming damage. Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (7) Consolation can shieldtwo of the hits, and a well timed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (8) Expedient will cover both Double Rushand Sonic Howl. Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (9) Sacred Soil can cover Sonic Howl and RubyGlow as usual.
  • Devour: This mechanic is a wall for many parties, and while it shouldhave no incoming damage until the towers after, Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (10) Expedientcan help slow players to not get hit if they're struggling. Ideally your party members wouldjust use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (11) Sprint here instead, but in less than optimal environments like Party Finder,Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (12) Expedient can save wipes.
  • Ruby Glow 5: I know it's confusing to keep track of what every RubyGlow mechanic is, this is the one with Venom Squall during it. It's asignificant amount of damage while the party is separated. This is the bestmechanic in the fight to use a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (13) Recitation buffed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (14) Adloquiuminto Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (15) Deployment Tactics. Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (16) Summon Seraph isvery strong here as she can hit both light parties during the mechanic ifshe's placed center.
  • Sonic Shatter: This is the fight's soft enrage mechanic. The bossdoes five raid-wides in a row, with 3 seconds between each raid-wide. This mechanicwill often be skipped, but if you see it, do whatever is needed to keepthe party alive. Pop Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (17) Sacred Soil alongside any remaining cooldownsand GCD shield each hit.
  • Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (18) Sacred Soil is incredibly strong on this fight for progression,easily covering the back to back raid-wides and double tank busters.
  • Remember that the tank hit by Toxic Crunch will also be taking autos whiletheir DoT is ticking. Consider using Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (19) Excogitation or Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (20) Aetherpactto help keep them alive.

The Fifth Circle (Savage)


P6S: Hegemone

This fight has a very hard hitting raid-wide in Hemitheos Dark IV, but very fewinstances of actual back to back damage. Use your cooldowns to mitigate Dark IVand you'll find the actual healing pressure in this fight is lower than P5S.

Prepull: This fight starts with a Hemitheos Dark IV raid-wide followed by a ChelicSynergy shared tank buster. The tank buster will usually be mitigated andinvulned by the pulling tank so that there's only one DoT. I recommend thatyou preshield with a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (21) Recitation buffed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (22) Adloquiuminto Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (23) Deployment Tactics. Recitation will come back duringthe fight's first major mechanic.


Noteworthy Mechanics

  • Pathogenic Cells (Limit Cut): This mechanic looks more threateningthan it is. It hits each player once for non-lethal damage. I typically usedScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (24) Summon Seraph to heal up and shield for this, but that's mostlybecause Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (25) Summon Seraph doesn't have many great uses in this fight.
  • Cachexia 1: The wall in this fight, but most deaths here won't bepreventable by you anyways. The party is fairly spread out here though sodoing a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (26) Recitation buffed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (27) Adloquiuminto Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (28) Deployment Tactics can provide a nice buffer. Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (29) Summon Seraphis good here for the same reason. Of note, if someone does die here andgets raised, they need to be healed before Ptera Ixou if it hasn't gone offalready, as it ignores Res Immunity.
  • Cachexia 2: Many parties will just use Tank LB3 here if they seethis mechanic. I recommend using a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (30) Recitation buffed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (31) Adloquiuminto Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (32) Deployment Tactics here as well for safety if yousee this. Make sure you don't do it too early, you can use your Purple/Greendebuff timer to help time it (wait until there's less than 30s on it.)



  • After the initial raid-wide and buster at the start of the fight, sets ofSynergy/Chelic Synergy into Hemitheos Dark IV occur about every two minuteslike clockwork. Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (33) Sacred Soil can cover both the buster andraid-wide, use it around midway through the buster's cast bar.
  • Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (34) Expedient can help with movement on some of the Exchangeof Agonies mechanics.

The Sixth Circle (Savage)


P7S: Agdistis

The third fight this tier is fairly basic in the first half, both mechanicsand healing wise. Most of your planning will be for just Inviolate Purgation.

Prepull: This fight starts with a raid-wide into either a shared or doubletankbuster, all of which inflict a bleed. It is recommended that you use anScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (35) Adloquium into Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (36) Deployment Tactics. Considerputting a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (37) Recitation + Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (38) Excogitation on oneof the tanks (as both will be taking autos), or just use Recitation to buffyour Adlo before Deploy.


Noteworthy Mechanics

  • Inviolate Bonds: A much less threatening version of the laterInviolate Purgation, but it does follow a Spark of Life bleed raid-wide.Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (39) Expedient and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (40) Summon Seraph are both goodhere.
  • Inviolate Purgation: The most healing intensive part of the fightby far, it follows a pattern of Stack/Spread>Stack/Spread → Light of Lifeand then repeats. The Stack/Spreads each do reasonable damage, but Lightof Life deals catastrophic damage and needs multiple mitigations to besurvivable. You'll want to use all of your cooldowns here. Be prepared touse Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (41) Ruin II and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (42) Swiftcast for movement. Here'sa sample Scholar heal plan to use as a base. Remember you'll need to moveyour fairy to keep her in range of the party. Every hit should haveScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (43) Succor on it during prog except the one where you useScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (44) Deployment Tactics, but I won't include Succor repeatedlyfor the sake of space.
    1. Debuffs go out
    2. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (45) Fey Illumination shortly before first debuffs happen
    3. First Stack/Spread happens
    4. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (46) Whispering Dawn
    5. use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (47) Expedient shortly before second debuffs go off
    6. Second Stack/Spread happens
    7. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (48) Indomitability
    8. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (49) Recitation
    9. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (50) Adloquium
    10. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (51) Deployment Tactics
    11. Preposition a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (52) Sacred Soil on the platform you're running to
    12. Light of Life goes off
    13. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (53) Fey Blessing
    14. Third Stack/Spread Happens
    15. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (54) Summon Seraph
    16. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (55) Consolation
    17. Fourth Stack/Spread happens
    18. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (56) Consolation
    19. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (57) Indomitability
    20. Preposition a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (58) Sacred Soil on the platform you're running to
    21. Light of Life goes off
  • Harvests: Often a wall for prog, but not healing intensive at all.Just put up a shield before each of these in prog for safety.
  • Ending Heal Check: Agdistis ends the fight by doing a Spark of Life,Light Party Stacks, and then two additional Spark of Life raid-wides. All of yourcooldowns should be back from Purgation by this point. Make sure to save somefor the last Sparks if you're going to see them. Play safe if you're seeing thispart of the fight, use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (59) Sacred Soil and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (60) Succoras needed.



  • Once again Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (61) Sacred Soil is very strong on the tankbusters in this fight.Make sure you position it on the tanks properly though.
  • Both tanks take autos throughout the fight. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (62) Aetherpact,Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (63) Protraction, and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (64) Excogitation wisely.

The Seventh Circle (Savage)


P8S Part One: Hephaistos

This fight has two different possible timelines, so you'll need to adjust your healingplan a bit based on RNG.

Prepull: This fight starts with a hard-hitting raidwide followed by Spreads ortwo person Stacks. I recommend using a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (65) Recitation buffedScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (66) Adloquium into Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (67) Deployment Tactics. If you'regoing to use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (68) Summon Seraph during Manifold Flames, as I'llsuggest later on, you can use her for prepull shields as well, but you'll needto Away her and resummon your fairy before pull to do a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (69) Dissipation firstopener.


Noteworthy Mechanics

  • Reforged Reflection 1: Beast/Dog: This mechanic can occur either beforeor after Manifold Flames. You can handle it similarly either way. The vastmajority of the damage here is physical, so casters are the most at risk.The best way to handle this is to use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (70) Sacred Soil at thestart of Rearing Rampage, and then use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (71) Expedient after thesecond hit of Rampage so that it lasts through all of Stomp Dead. Thisrequires pretty tight positioning that most parties won't do however, inwhich case I recommend using Expedient at the start of Rampage and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (72) Sacred Soilfor Stomps instead. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (73) Indomitability and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (74) Succorhere as needed, and remember that fairy abilities can hit everyone hereeasily even if you yourself cannot.
  • Reforged Reflection 1: Gorgon/Snake: Not a very complicated mechanichealing wise, but be aware that the Poison puddles can one shot even at i630if they're not mitigated.
  • Manifold Flames: I recommend using a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (75) Recitationbuffed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (76) Adloquium into Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (77) Deployment Tacticsto prep for this. Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (78) Summon Seraph is also excellent here,and anything you use here will be back for Fourfold Flames.
  • Fourfold Flames: I recommend using a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (79) Recitationbuffed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (80) Adloquium into Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (81) Deployment Tacticsto prep for this. Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (82) Summon Seraph is also excellent here,easily hitting everyone when they run back mid after the first Flare goes off.If Beast happened first, Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (83) Expedient will also be back here.
  • Reforged Reflection 2: Gorgon/Snake: You'll want to prep pretty wellfor this as it's easy to get overwhelmed during the mechanic so minimizinghealing required will help. If this is the Beast first pattern, you cando a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (84) Recitation buffed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (85) Adloquium intoScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (86) Deployment Tactics and use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (87) Summon Seraphas well. Either way prep a shield here and use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (88) Expedient.Fairy skills are helpful since they can always come from center.



  • Yet another fight with double bleed tank busters that Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (89) Sacred Soilis good for.

The Eighth Circle Part One (Savage)


P8S Part Two: Hephaistos

This fight is very healing intensive. You'll want to be GCD shielding most oreven all of these hits in prog. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (90) Sacred Soil very liberally.If you're in a static, make sure your party has a mitigation plan established,as you'll want every mitigation to be used efficiently.

Prepull: This fight starts with a bleed raid-wide followed by a double tankbuster.I recommend doing just a prepull Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (91) Succor, and saving your Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (92) Deployment Tacticsfor Natural Alignment 1.


Noteworthy Mechanics

  • Natural Alignment 1: Natural Alignment puts a fairly heavy (17k) DoTon two party members and then does various mechanics on the other six.Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (93) Excogitation and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (94) Aetherpact are bothhelpful for dealing with the DoT at the start of the mechanic, once AoEhealing starts going out you generally don't need to worry much about thosetwo party members.
    To prep for the first Natural Alignment I recommend doing a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (95) Recitation buffedScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (96) Adloquium into Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (97) Deployment Tactics. It'spossible to get Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (98) Recitation back in time for the first High Concept hit if usedearly enough. I recommend using it either 8th or 9th GCD, and then Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (99) Adloquiumimmediately after your first Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (100) Biolysis refresh.
    You'll want to use basically everything in your kit during each Natural Alignment. I recommendusing Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (101) Summon Seraph to heal and shield after either thefirst and second hits, or the second and third hits. Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (102) Expedientcan be used midway through the progress bar of the first Fire/Ice mechanic,covering both hits of Fire/Ice and the following Aioniopyr. If your partyis doing single tile Fire/Ice, Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (103) Sacred Soil is excellent there,if not just use it for the Aioniopyr.
  • High Concept 1: If you have Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (104) Recitation back in time,I recommend using it to buff your Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (105) Succor here, and useScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (106) Sacred Soil here as well for safety. During the first High Concept you shouldbe using Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (107) Succor between each hit, and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (108) Emergency TacticsScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (109) Succor when you have time as well.
  • Natural Alignment 2: Most of this is the same healing wise as the first Natural Alignment,you'll want to use all of your available resources. It's possible to doa Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (110) Recitation buffed Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (111) Adloquium intoScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (112) Deployment Tactics both here and the second High Concept. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (113) Recitationduring the Tyrant's Unholy Darkness cast bar, and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (114) Adloquium 2-3 GCDsafter the tankbuster happens, Deploying immediately afterwards.
    Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (115) Expedient cannot cover both Fire/Ice and Aioniopyr likein NA1, so I recommend using it just before the first Stack mechanicinstead, as it should still be able to hit three instance of incomingdamage if timed well there.
  • High Concept 2: Do a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (116) Recitation buffedScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (117) Adloquium into Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (118) Deployment Tactics toprep if possible. This is mostly similar to the first High Concept, use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (119) Succorfor each hit. The major differences are the Ifrit DoT two players will getand the full health check at the end. Like with the Natural Alignment DoT, Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (120) Excogitationand Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (121) Aetherpact are both great for dealing with the IfritDoT. Don't hesitate to Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (122) Adloquium them if you're in range and have the timeto cast as well. For the full health check at the end you'll wantto use a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (123) Emergency Tactics Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (124) Succor and Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (125) Indomitabilityat the very least. Don't hesitate to do an extra Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (126) Succor or throw in somemore if needed, you need to be full health when the Phoenix feathers mergeor you're dead.
  • Post Ego Death: This phase is a heal and mitigation check. Deathshere are incredibly punishing as you lose the 100% damage up from Everburnon top of gaining Weakness. GCD shielding every hit in prog is non-negotiable.
    You can use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (127) Sacred Soil halfway through the first Aionagoniacast and then off cooldown from there so that it covers all three Aionagonias.I recommend pairing one major cooldown with each Aionagonia as well.
    1. Aionagonia 1: Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (128) Expedient during the castbar,it will last through Dominion.
    2. Aionagonia 2: Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (129) Summon Seraph while the previous Dominion's secondtowers are happening. Use a charge of Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (130) Consolationto prep for the second set of Aionagonia and Dominion.
    3. Aionagonia 3: Do a Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (131) Recitation buffedScholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (132) Adloquium into Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (133) Deployment Tactics toprep. Use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (134) Swiftcast on the Adloquium if you're taking thesecond set of the second Dominion's towers to make sure you get the Deploy out in time.
    Use all of your other healing tools throughout this phase as necessary,and remember each Aionagonia bleed ticks twice, don't let the last Aionagonia3 tick catch you off guard.



  • I recommend doing an Aetherflow First Opener in this fight, as it letsyou use Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (135) Whispering Dawn in to heal the first raid-wideand the later Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (136) Dissipation buffs your Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (137) Adloquiumused to shield for the first Natural Alignment.
  • Auto-attacks in this fight are tank stacks and hurt quite a bit. Talk toyour tanks about their plan for Tyrant's Unholy Darkness. You ideallywant one of the tanks to invuln the first and third tankbuster, as those are the onesfollowed by two auto-attacks rather than just one. If you have a Warrior,they can invuln the first and fourth tankbuster on their own, and their co-tank cando the third.
  • If all of your casters and healers have 62k+ hp, Limitless Desolationwon't kill from full hp. It's fine to still shield it for prog safety,but this should be one of the first to go.

The Eighth Circle Part Two (Savage)



  • 17 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.3
  • 31 Dec. 2022: Guide added.

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Scholar Healer Tips for Abyssos Savage - Endwalker 6.3 (2024)
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